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Our reactions to stress, levels of efficiency and productivity at work can be likened to a litmus test for mental health. When everything is good, we are positive, solve urgent problems faster, cope with problems more easily, set goals and achieve them. Conversely, the level of mental health or the presence of psychological problems affects our quality of life and, in particular, our ability to work.

A new and important stage in the development of caring for their people in the corporate sector is the realization not only of the need for financial or social bonuses, but also an integrated approach to caring for the mental health of employees, for example, psychological services in crisis situations .

“Playful”, “green”, non-standard offices are created for various reasons, one of which is workplace design for mental health (from English - workplace design in favor of mental health). Thus, the selection of flowers, indoor plants, a sufficient amount of light, in particular daylight, create an atmosphere that affects our well-being.

In addition, creativity and creativity are separate elements of workplace design. That is why posters or pictures, furniture designs, windows or boards on which to draw, help to trigger the creative imagination, which allows you to solve work problems in new ways.

Of course, the organization of the workflow is also about relationships with colleagues . Creating a friendly, comfortable atmosphere helps to increase productivity. And, on the contrary, conflicts in the team, misunderstanding between managers and subordinates, the presence of toxic relationships create an unfavorable psychological climate, which negatively affects the work process. 

A stressful work environment, especially in the absence of support and well-functioning communication, causes emotional burnout, which in turn affects psychological and physical health. However, feedback is also relevant: when psychological problems or the presence of a mental disorder affect a person's performance at work.

Presenteeism is defined as a situation where an employee is actually at work, but works fewer hours than their working day, and, accordingly, is less efficient.

A 2020 study by RAND Europe, a non-profit research corporation, identified the causes of presenteeism, with stress, lack of sleep, and financial anxiety leading the way.

One of the extremely important reasons that actualized the topic of mental health in institutions was the global pandemic due to Covid-19, which has been going on for more than a year. 

Concern for mental health in an organization is becoming the new normal for both the organization and the people.

I am convinced that a responsible organization should take care of the emotional well-being of its employees.



What is the flu and what is its danger?


The flu is an infectious disease that anyone can get. The causative agent of influenza is a virus that from infected people enters the nasopharynx of others.

Most people get the flu for only a few days, but some people become more seriously ill, possibly severe, even fatal.


With the flu, existing chronic diseases are exacerbated, in addition, the flu has an extensive list of possible complications :

1.  Pulmonary complications (pneumonia, bronchitis). Pneumonia is the cause of most influenza deaths.

2. Complications from the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis).

3. Complications from the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).

4. Complications from the nervous system (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis).


To avoid possible complications, it is important to carry out the prevention of influenza in a timely manner and to properly treat the disease itself.

The flu usually starts suddenly. The causative agents of influenza, viruses of types A and B, are characterized by aggressiveness and an exceptionally high reproduction rate, therefore, within a few hours after infection, the virus leads to deep lesions of the respiratory mucosa, opening up opportunities for bacteria to penetrate into it.

Influenza symptoms include fever, temperature of 37.5–39 °C, headache, muscle and joint pain, chills, fatigue, cough, runny or stuffy nose, pain and sore throat.


Influenza can be confused with other diseases, so a doctor must make a clear diagnosis, he also prescribes treatment tactics.


What to do with the flu?

The patient himself, at the first symptoms, needs to stay at home, so as not only not to infect others, but also to take treatment in time, for which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. To prevent further spread of the infection, the sick person must be isolated from healthy individuals, it is advisable to allocate a separate room.

Self-treatment for influenza is unacceptable, and it is the doctor who must diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment appropriate to the condition and age of the patient.

For proper treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and take medication in a timely manner. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - it can be hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral water. You need to drink more often and as much as possible.

Contact with a sick person should be limited, and when caring for him, use a medical mask or gauze bandage.


How to protect yourself from the flu?

According to the position of the World Health Organization, the most effective remedy against influenza is vaccination, because it is the vaccine that provides protection against those types of influenza virus that are the most relevant in this epidemiological season and are part of it.


The introduction of a vaccine into the body cannot cause disease, but by producing protective antibodies it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is incomparably higher than all non-specific medicines that can be taken during the winter months, such as immunomodulators, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, traditional medicine, and so on.


Vaccination is recommended for all population groups, but is especially indicated for children from 6 months of age, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women, as well as people from occupational risk groups - medical workers, teachers, students, service and transport workers.


Vaccination should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of an increase in the incidence, vaccination can only be done in a medical institution by specially trained medical personnel, and a doctor's examination is mandatory before vaccination.


There are few contraindications to influenza vaccination. Influenza vaccination should not be done in acute febrile conditions, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with an increased sensitivity of the body to egg white (if it is part of the vaccine).


Having been vaccinated against influenza, you protect your body from the attack of the most dangerous viruses - influenza viruses, but there are still more than 200 types of viruses that are less dangerous to humans, but can also cause SARS. Therefore, during the period of the epidemic rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, it is recommended to take non-specific preventive measures.


Influenza Prevention Rules:

  1. Get your flu shot before flu season starts.

  2. Reduce the time spent in crowded places and public transport.

  3. Use a mask in crowded places.

  4. Avoid close contact with people who show signs of illness, such as sneezing or coughing.

  5. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially after the street and public transport.

  6. Rinse the nasal cavity, especially after the street and public transport

  7. Ventilate the room you are in regularly.

  8. Regularly do wet cleaning in the room in which you are.

  9. Humidify the air in the room you are in.

  10. Eat as many foods containing vitamin C as possible (cranberries, lingonberries, lemon, etc.).

  11. Eat as many meals as possible with the addition of garlic and onions.

  12. On the recommendation of a doctor, use drugs and drugs that increase immunity.

  13. In the event of the appearance of people with influenza in the family or work team, start taking antiviral drugs for prophylactic purposes (as agreed with the doctor, taking into account contraindications and according to the instructions for using the drug).

  14. Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

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