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Place of work:

1. FSBEI HPE "Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev" , Department of Informatics (2004-2011).

Position: teaching assistant

2. GBPOU RM "Saransk Electromechanical College" (2011-2015).  Position: teacher of special disciplines

3. GBPOU RM "Saransk College of Food and Processing Industry" (2015 - 2021). 

Position: teacher of mathematics and computer science


    In my life, as in the life of any teacher, there are moments that I remember for many years with a sense of pride, joy ... These are my own successes, smiles wards in the classroom, their achievements. Now the successes of a schoolgirl daughter have been added to them, with whom we love to perform non-standard tasks and creative projects.

      I wish these moments never ended in my mind... And yet, alas, they are not the only ones that arise in my mind when I start to analyze my professional activities. We are all "in the power of information"! And its huge amount forces us to do our work in a hurry, so as not to miss something really important in this endless stream of ideas, emotions, impressions, facts, etc. Therefore, it is often necessary to be nervous. There is constantly a lack of time to complete everything planned (and, believe me, there are a lot of ideas), understanding the results of what has already been done. Therefore, there is some dissatisfaction, despite the daily process of one's own vigorous activity. Often I want to stop and think if I'm moving in the right direction ...

      Like any teacher, I am open to new ideas, to the application of new teaching methods. I love to learn something new myself and "infect" other people with this knowledge. In addition, the life of a teacher is full of surprises. I really want not to get confused, to be "in full force" at any moment, especially if they are associated with the actions of children or the actions of colleagues. This is perhaps one of the most difficult tests that fall to the lot of the teacher. Sometimes there is not enough advice and support from more experienced colleagues who could guide and support in all situations. I like to work in a team, so I'm ready for cooperation!



"Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself" (Petronius). I do not make "encyclopedias" of children, I teach them to think and learn on their own.


"Master and student grow together" (Confucius). I am next to my students, but always a little bit ahead. 

"No matter how much you live, you should study all your life" (Seneca). I try to discover something new every day. 

"You can only learn what you love" (I. Goethe). I love to study. Therefore, self-development has become something of a hobby for me.


A professional teacher does not just go to work, but lives together with the children, experiences everything that happens every day, combining the painstaking work of preparing for classes, extracurricular work and all the diverse activities in cooperation with students.

Pedagogical experience (specialty): 18 years

Professional education:

1. FSBEI HPE "Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev", Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1999-2004).

Specialty - "Mathematics" with additional. specialist. "Informatics"

Qualification - teacher of mathematics and computer science


2. Saransk Cooperative Institute of the ANO VPO of the Central Union of the Russian Federation "Russian University of Cooperation", Faculty of Law (2008-2011).

Specialty - "Jurisprudence".  Qualification -  lawyer


3. GBPOU RM "Saransk College of Food and Processing Industry" (2015-2018)

Specialty - Hotel Service.  Qualification -  manager

4. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev" , CAD department (2021 - to the present).

Position: teacher

5. MOU  "Lyceum No. 43" (2021 - 2022). 

Position: math teacher

6. FGBOU VO "Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev" ,   (2022 - present).

Position: teacher of mathematics and ...

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